Future Green Studio - New York City

New York City, New York, US


Future Green Studio
18 Bay Street (Brooklyn)
New York City
New York 11231


Telephone 718-855-8995


Future Green Studio located in New York (NY, Kings County) specializing in landscape and urban planning.

Company is thoughtful stewards of their changing climate and creative shapers of their built environment. Company is at the forefront of Landscape Urbanism—a design movement that combines a deep understanding of plants, people, and places. They recognize that all the complex systems, forces, and patterns of Nature do not stop at the city limits. They understand that each of their projects offer aesthetic value and serve as good places to be, but collectively, go further as a patchwork ecology of performative landscapes, contributing—through the water they filter, the air they clean, the species they shelter—to the sustainability, resiliency, and livability of homes, community, and the planet. Future Green Studio is a distinctive and innovative landscape design firm based in Brooklyn, New York.

Please email or call 718.855.8995 to schedule an appointment! You can find more current information about Future Green Studio at company website.

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