Kliment Halsband Architects - New York City

New York City, New York, US


Kliment Halsband Architects
322 Eighth Avenue
New York City
New York 10001


Telephone 212-243-7400


Kliment Halsband Architects located in New York (NY, New York County) specializing in architecture and interiors.

The firm is led by five partners -- Frances Halsband FAIA, Alex Diez AIA, Michael A. Nieminen FAIA, Michael Maza AIA, and David Whitehill AIA -- and is characterized by their direct involvement in all aspects of each project. The work of the firm has been recognized with over 100 awards, including the AIA Firm Award in 1997 and the New York AIA Chapter AIA Medal of Honor in 1998, each of which is one of the the highest honors given annually for consistently distinguished architecture. The firm has a diverse portfolio that includes over 150 completed projects across the United States, with a special expertise in education, culture, religious, civic, and government projects. These projects include campus master planning, programming and design of new structures, and the renovation and transformation of existing buildings. Kliment Halsband Architects is a leading architecture firm based in New York City with a 45-year reputation for design excellence.

Please email or call 212.243.7400 to schedule an appointment! You can find more current information about Kliment Halsband Architects at company website.

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