Wolfgang & Hite - New York City

New York City, New York, US


Wolfgang & Hite
231 Bowery 2nd Fl
New York City
New York 10002


Telephone 9175721374


Wolfgang & Hite located in New York (NY, New York County) specializing in architecture, interiors, construction, interactive design, furniture design, residential, commercial, hospitality, educational, design-build and mixed-use.

They bring together multiple backgrounds in architecture, interior design, art curation and production, engineering and construction, which makes it possible to work on unique commercial spaces, curated residences, objects, and large-scale art installations. Wolfgang & Hite is a New York City based design-build practice specializing in interior architecture, exhibition design, and art production.

Email or call 9175721374 to schedule an appointment! You can find more current information about Wolfgang & Hite at company website.

65 hits ID #18411
Arch Designer
Arch Designer