How successful is contemporary architectural practice at engaging the general public? Do architects have a responsibility to do so? What roles can young professionals play in communicating the value of architecture and design? How might the public un...
In celebration of Switzerland's rich architectural heritage and the unveiling of the new de Young Museum by Swiss architects Herzog & de Meuron (Studio Basel), swissnex and the four Swiss schools of architecture present Inventioneering Architectu...
EMPOWERING The opening session of the conference was designed to enable participants to engage in a healthy dialogue through knowledge. A series of presentations were made on past events such as the 1999 Internship Summit and 2002 Internship Summit a...
Conference chairs: Philip Beesley (U. Waterloo), Nancy Cheng (U. Oregon), Shane Williamson (U. Toronto) The American Institute of Architects Technology in Architectural Practice (TAP) Professional Interest Area (PIA) and The Association for Computer ...
Advocacy and Educational Organizations Architectural League Architecture and Design Museum Architecture for Humanity ArchVoices Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture Buckminster Fuller Institute Flex Your Power Le Corbusier Foundation...
Exploring Progressive Design, 3rd Annual Design and Development Conference Posted 2006/10/31 01:09:12 GMT-7 by Exploring Progressive Design, part of the Foundation's continuing and popular conference series, will examine quality design ? in both prod...